Turf Grass Seed Bluegrass, Bentgrass, Ryegrass, Fescues...
Forage Seed Bromes, Clovers, Fescue, Wheatgrass, Legumes
Grains Wheat Grain, Rye Grain
Cover Crop Seed Buckwheat, Clover, Peas, Ryegrain
Wildflower Seed Mixtures, Singles, Annual, Perennial
Sprouting Seeds Fully certified Non-GMO Organic seeds for sprouts or microgreens
Athos Orchardgrass
ATHOS is one of the latest maturing varieties available on the market, with a heading date that is usually at least one week later than Pennlate. Most of the late maturing orchardgrasses originate in Europe, and Athos is no exception. Although this variety is new to the United States, it has performed well in Europe. Athos ranked number one in yield in the official NIAB forage grazing trials in the UK. In addition to high yield, Athos is noted for having good fall growth, which translates to an even yield distribution over the entire growing season.
SEEDING RATES: Pure Stands: 15-20 lbs/ac | Grass/Hay Mixtures: 4-5 lbs/ac