Turf Grass Seed Bluegrass, Bentgrass, Ryegrass, Fescues...
Forage Seed Bromes, Clovers, Fescue, Wheatgrass, Legumes
Grains Wheat Grain, Rye Grain
Cover Crop Seed Buckwheat, Clover, Peas, Ryegrain
Wildflower Seed Mixtures, Singles, Annual, Perennial
Sprouting Seeds Fully certified Non-GMO Organic seeds for sprouts or microgreens
Rhythm Kentucky Bluegrass
RHYTHM is an outstanding Midnight-type Kentucky Bluegrass with improvements in density and color over other Midnight types as demonstrated in trials at Rutgers University. Performing extremely well under conditions of summer stress, plus resistance to common diseases makes Rhythm a diversified player in areas where bluegrass is a favored species.
ADAPTATION: Rhythm was developed for heat tolerance. It is an excellent choice for areas in the southern edge of the Kentucky bluegrass growing region. It is wear tolerant and repairs itself with rhizomes.
SEEDING RATE: 2-4 lbs. p/1000 sq. ft.