Sabre III Rough Bluegrass

SABRE III is the latest generation of improved Poa trivialis from DLF International Seeds’ plant breeding program. It was developed to provide golf course superintendents who overseed with a denser and darker green turf. Sabre III has shown improved overall turf quality in comparison to older varieties. Other benefits of overseeding with Sabre III included rapid establishment and a good level of resistance to leaf spot caused by Drechslera spp. Initial testing shows significant improvement in turf quality, density and color over other commercially available varieties including the world’s most widely used Poa trivialis, Sabre II.

Adaptation: Sabre III was developed for elite, rapid to establish, easy transitioning winter overseeding turfgrass mixtures. It’s also recommended in mixes designed for cool season, shade tolerant, mild climatic zones. In winter overseeding benefits include: rapid transition, LHC and low temperature tolerance at establishment. It has excellent shade tolerance.